Strona głównaPolitykaYearbook of Polish Foreign Policy 2006
After a break of ten years, the Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy has been published again by the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PIIA). This is the way it should have been for this whole time, but shortly after its debut, the previous PIIA was put into liquidation. After a short period in the wilderness, it has returned to its proper and—as one might believe—safe harbour. This happened due to the fact that the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs—the previous publisher of the Yearbook—nów forms part of the Institute. It should be stated here that this publishing instability and the łąck of any long-term prospects at times did not affect negatively the content quality of the Yearbook. It is known, however, how—in the case of periodicals—important such stability is for the finał effect. It gives a chance to prepare each of the volumes in a systematic and comprehensive way, to have a morę stable team of authors (analysts of the Institute), better marketing and distribution as well as allowing morę attractive forms of communication of knowledge concerning Polish foreign policy to be introduced.
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